This is the Disclaimer. Don't act surprised, you clicked the link.

I was just going to warn you. I know that this isn't the best of sites, so if you tell me so... I'll only giggle at the fact and go on in my day to day life. Web Design isn't my life calling, in art it wasn't my chosen medium. Heck I have passing intrest in the internet. So no... you won't find me in chat rooms either. I do however enjoy chaos. And this Site Tickles me to no end whatsoever.

Heck. I'm making this page under the influence of Bacardi.

Oh... just to let everyone know... kyle is watching home improvement. And I don't know why. God... he's sunken to new depths. That and he's trying to lick his elbow. Apparently he cut his elbow on a cushion. I don't know. I guess cushions are out to get him. So... He's telling me that licking the wound will help fight infection. But he can't reach his elbow. So he's making frustrated noises occasionlly and snuffling at home improvement. God. Somebody help me. Maybe I can find a bat and stun him. The Sharp blow with a blunt object will save more brain cells than if continues this trend. Next thing we know he'll be watching Seinfeld. But I have gotten rather side tracked.

So. Let's go over the facts one more time shall we.

This Website sucks.

telling me so will have little to no effect on me.

I like Rum.

My foot itches.

Kyle needs help.

Ah... but wait! It's now officially the 16th day of April, 2003. Time for me to do stuff. What kind of stuff? Why! To make this Website Cool! Now then... so far it has some things that make websites cool. But I need to complete this list to make this website ZING! Wooo!

Things to make a Website Zing.

1) Midi's. This livens up an otherwise quiet period of internet surfing with a refreshing musical interlude. Whee!

2) Animated Gifs. Nobody gets tired of looking at Animated Gifs! It's like a tiny little movie just for you!

3) Flash Intro. Every website that wishes to Zing needs a pointless flash intro with a song that's loved by all.

There's no place like home, there's no place like home.