The Girlfriend Drink.


The goal of this drink is to have as much liquor as possible in it, but still make it taste like strawberry soda.

This is why the recipe is tricky.

You will need to do something like this:


Get some ice, club soda, grenadine, triple sec, 151 rum, and sour mix. Mix it up and drink it. Make sure it's red and yummy.


Get a glass.

Fill about 1/2 way up with club soda or ginger ale. No Perrier, it's nasty.

Pour about 1/5 of the remaining cup with sour mix.

Another 1/5 with grenadine, at least.

1/5 triple sec.

1/5 151 rum.

1/5 ice, but only after you stir it good.

Or you can mix it in a mixer shaker thingy.

You have to have a good bit of alcohol. But you can't taste it. Understand?


Now give to your girlfriend.

Only drink it yourself when either:

(1) She's not looking, or (2) When you finally get comfortable with your own sexuality.

(This drink was created by Kristin and Christie.)

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