Recipes to thrill and amuse!

Alrighty. I know you're thinking. Wow. This movie is horrible. I can legally drink alcoholic beverages (this is an important step here kiddies), and Golly Gee Whiz. I need a drink. I need some recipes. Well look no further! We will hook ya up with some of our favorites. Now then, look through these and find a cure for what ails ya. Advanced preparation, of course is a must for any Bad Movie Night.

Amaretto Sour.

Arturro's Death.

Black Death.

Coconut Delight.

Coke and Stuff.

Cookie Monster.

Girlfriend Drink.


Red Monster.

Sugar Poo.


Sex on the Beach.

Swift Kick in the Crotch.

White Russian.

Zombie caught in a Hurricane.

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