
What's my Favorite Bad Anime Night Movie?

Dragon Half. Deffinately. Damu-ramu! It would be Ruin Explorers if I ever managed to bring it to BAN. Whoever it was that said it sucked is an idiot!

What's my Favorite Bad Movie Night Movie?

That gold of the amazon women movie. I never knew a colt .38 snub nose made lazer sounds. You learn sonething new everyday.

What's my Favorite Drink?

nice cold coca-colas. hold the stuff, please.

What's my least Favorite Drink?

Could be Schlitz. Don't know yet.

What's my Favorite Color?

Green . . .no, red. AAAHHHHhhhhh!! . . . ..

My Favorite Sitting spot is...

anywhere I choose. The world is my couch, and all are my prey.mwahahahaha.

Currently this is my favorite happy song.

"Give A Reason" from Slayers Next. Its a really cool song if you read the subtitles to it on the anime.

This is my favorite book right now...

Psionics Handbook by Bruce Cordell (D&D 3rd ed).