
Seeing as how I haven't been to Bad Anime night for a while, I'm gonna be general

Favorite Bad Anime Night Movie That friggin awful one with the yo-yo

Favorite Bad Movie Night Movie? Whatever the hell it was that Andy put on with the Power ranger type stuff... It was better 'cause i was 90% asleep at the time

What's my Favorite Drink? Grape fruit juice!

What's my least Favorite Drink? Coke.

What's my Favorite Color? Purple or Black.

My Favorite Sitting spot is... the floor, preferably in a defensible spot, and as far from The Juggernaut (Inebriated Ryan) as possible.

Currently this is my favorite happy song.

Right now... "Voices" by Disturbed, or anything by Tristania (though that's as far from happy as you can get ) )

This is my favorite book right now...

I like lots of books...

Last book I read was "hammerhead ranch motel" by Tim Dorsey.