
What's my Favorite Bad Anime Night Movie?

I really liked Hellsing... but since that was a good anime, I'll have to go with... eh... that unspeakable movie with the 50 foot woman beast. Now excuse me while I go vomit my ever-sinning guts up.

What's my Favorite Bad Movie Night Movie?

Caveman with Ringo. Oh yah. Date rape berries, claymation dinosaurs, and all.

What's my Favorite Drink?

Dr. Christy's prissys. Er- I mean, water.

What's my least Favorite Drink?

Whatever that virgin fruit drink was that Jack gave me. For the love of God, that was vile!

What's my Favorite Color?

Black and blue.

My Favorite Sitting spot is...

Not the inferno. Anywhere else is fine.

Currently this is my favorite happy song.

Let me get my list out... "Simon Says" by Drain STH, "Dancing in the Dark" by Bruce Springstein, "Don't Touch That" by Al Yankovic, "Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty, "Pax Deorum" by Enya, "Would I Lie to You" by Charles & Eddie, "Mutter" by Rammstein... the list goes on and on. It all depends on my mood.

This is my favorite book right now...

I'll have to say the work in progress of "In Karma's Keeping" by Christie.