
-What's my Favorite Bad Anime Night Movie?

I dont know the name of it but it was the one with that neckid chick running around in high heels and a mask.........well i guess that could be any number of Bad Anime Night movies........ But this chick had a crazy c unt-muff missle-smothering snatch attack that she used as her ultimate finisher. And her catch phrase of "No one's seen this face, but everyone knows this body" made it my favorite Bad Movie Night Movie

-What's my Favorite Bad Movie Night Movie?

It would be a toss up between the Return of the Living Dead and whatever the movie was with the censored-like crystal ball infront of that guys crotch.

-What's my Favorite Drink?

Jack's Zombies and Jack's Tequila Sunrises(made by Andy). (By default all drinks are Jack's drinks.........except for the one mentioned below)

-What's my least Favorite Drink?

Gabe's Pink Flamingos

-What's my Favorite Color?


-My Favorite Sitting spot is...

The couch and the floor next to the couch.

-Currently this is my favorite happy song.

"On the Road Again" and the whole Transformers sound track.

-This is my favorite book right now...

The Darwin Awards, I don't actually own it but I always look at it when I go to the bookstore.