
Hmmmm....I haven't been to very many Bad Anime/Movie Nights. Probably 'cause I don't know all the people that go. That's right. I'm scared of new people. I don't make friends on my own....I must have help.

Anyway, stuff about me....I'm an emotional psycho. I can be cute if I want to be. I love cats and am very catlike myself. I'm all about some caramel Treasures. I can tear up a bag of potato chips in a few minutes especially if they're cheddar and sour cream (my favorite). I'm in the process of trying to loose weight though the chips and chocolate I'm sure aren't helping the matter.

I have a kitty tattoo on the small of my back and my belly button pierced which isn't healed yet

I love dressing up and going places although I don't do it often.

My favorite kinds of movies are horror movies (the scarier the better)....if it gives me nightmares, it's good in my eyes. I don't really have any favorite overall movie.

My favorite anime character is Naga from the Slayers movies. She amuses me greatly.

I have great friends that care about me probably more than they should. I have horrible self-esteem.

I think that's about it. I'm sure I left a few things out, but that's me in a nutshell.