
Well now lookie here, took me three visits to notice this section. I was too busy giggling at the idiots on the phoenix board to really look at this one, through the tears in my eyes...

What's my Favorite Bad Anime Night Movie?

Let me think now... I pay so little attention to what we watch, half of the time, because I prefer to spend time with the wonderful company it draws in... The thing with the girl with the dragon on her butt was kinda funny. The Bazooka one was pretty bad and confusing. Um. And um. Someone should bring Thundercats, I miss them.

What's my Favorite Bad Movie Night Movie?

I hated Shafted after seeing it the third time. Bad, bad!

What's my Favorite Drink?

Um. Yes? I should give a recipe for that Bloody Mary mix I made that one time, it was nice and spicy (right, steve?) And Christy made yummy sherbetty rummy drinks once. Mmmm.

What's my least Favorite Drink?

Anything that tasted funny.

What's my Favorite Color?

Blue. Pink. Black. Rinse and Repeat as Desired. Follow with same brand tints or tones.

My Favorite Sitting spot is:

On a couch. Or next to Jack. Whichever is better at the moment (sitting outside in the winter is not fun).

Currently this is my favorite happy song:

Mazzy Star. Any. Good mood music. I lost my Cyberia Lain Soundtrack. Pout.

This is my favorite book right now...

Erm I just finished the 9th book of the Wheel of Time, Redwall, Wicked, and Deed of Paksenarrion. Now onto the Fall of Atlantis. I also read the side of the vitamin E oil bottle, the tv guide, and my bills.