

Aka SMU.

This name was brought about during a Phoenix Event. Phoenix is a live action game with padded weapons and such. Any old hoo. Steve was one of the plot individuals and was sleeping late. Late being 6 in the morning for the majority of the players in phoenix. "Get up! I'm important run me on a module!" Heh. Andy went to wake Steve up, because Steve was supposed to run a module. Steve was sleeping peacefully, and Andy began to call Steves name. Andy: "Steve! Get up!" Steve: Andy: "Steve! Get up! You got to run a module!" Steve: Finally Andy looked down at Steves homemade blanket. Which had SMU written on it. Andy looked at it and blurted out... "Smu?" Steve: "My grandmother made it for me."

Steve goes to USM. University of Southern Mississippi. His Grand Mother thought it was Southern Mississippi University. Hence the blanket and the nick name.

Steve and Ryan are like the Wonder Twins from the old Justice Friends Television Show. Seperated they are near powerless. But when they are together they are an Unnatural force capable of breaking anything around them.

Steve cannot walk quietly. One of the original rules of Bad Anime Night was that steve had to remove his shoes at the door. Later that got bumped up to "Steve Can't Move.: