Required Links For Living

This is the Required Link Section... as Required by Internet Law. I don't want the internet police crashing down on me, and so here you go.

Whether it's a Happy Meal, Soda in a Bag, Horrible Movies (That DVD copy of Zardoz comes to mind), or poorly dubbed anime... Heh. Like the Great Copy of Lum that Andy purchased. You can find it...and BUY it... on the internet.

How you ask?

Well... I'm not rightfully sure... Nor am I here to tell you. That's what other people are here for. Not me. I'm just here to type these words. And that's all.

Now then. These are sites that amuse me. I like them. You should too. They like to be visited. They hope you will buy things from them. You should. Especially the Shirts. People love shirts. They have to wear them. HAVE to I tell you. Buy something from them. Or just send them an email that just tells them that you care. It'd make them happy. They'd get a warm fuzzy feeling inside their hearts. Maybe they'll write you back. This could be the beginning of an internet friendship that tranceds space and time. Or maybe they'll just say... "Okay... I guess they didn't want to buy a shirt."

And now without further ado.

The Links.

Source of Liquid Amusement.

Things To Amuse Your Self. - 'nuff said.

Ah, they were nice enough to discuss their bulletin board with me. So they get a link! Yay!

Learn how to dance from the master. The Danceman.

A brief look at Japan.

Japanese Vending Machines!

Going to Japan and want to know what to expect in the ways of public restrooms? Allison has found a website to enlighten us. Be prepared!

The Source of all Evil. Chibi Moon.

"Golly Gee Whiz. Anime is Great! Where can I learn More?"

[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike

"Where do I purchase Anime Stuff? Help Me!"

Never Fear... there are people that can help you.

I'm bored. What can I do to liven up my internet experience?

azazyael got their NeoPet at

Adopt a Neopet.

Witness the Power of the Mystical Ninja.

Look what Ryan found on teh Intranetwebnetmachine

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