Revelations of the Demented!

Report from 15th Angel

+Transmission Begins+

Praise be to our most holy god, God. I dutifully request Thy most sacred attention as I report the progress of our holy mission, my Lord. Currently, I still float in outer space, above Japan as per your orders. As Angelic Strategic Commanded suggested, those meddlesome kids and their darned Eva's showed up. Fortunately, as I'm too much of a wuss to go down there and face them, I am still functional and in one piece. I tried my pantented "Ode to Joy" attack on one of them. Well, ok, I couldn't get a patent on an attack using somebody else's song, but I had Beethoven cast into Hell so he can't cause any problems about "intellectual property rights" and what not. Anyway, the attack went of smashingly. One of the pilots, the pissy red haired one, totally freaked out. The other two hid like the cowards they are. Well, ok, you are omniciscient, dear Lord, so I guess I should be honest. While the red haired german girl did flip out, intelligence has informed me that she's always like that. Something about female pubescence. And as for driving off the other two, well they didn't so much flee as just up and left to go watch Pokemon. I also have a creeping feeling they've figured out that my powers are limited to broadcasting PRM and spotlighting. Maybe if I manage to keep enough people in Tokyo awake all night, they will eventually decide to face me at last - or bribe America to use its Star Wars defense satellites to blow me out of orbit. And I still haven't managed to collect that silly tuning fork . . . err, sacred spear either. I'm affraid this mission may end in failure. I guess its time to send in the little gay boy.

Oh and by the way, could you please, Dear Lord, send in an angel that is not a paraplegic, to take me back to heaven. Its awfully boring , just floating around in space. There's so much space junk up here, its like a floating junk yard. Also I think I'm catching a cold and my food supply is running short. Perhaps I'm not meant to be an angel of the apocalypse afterall.

In Your name we pray.

+transmission ends+

I'm done now. Can I get up from the table?