Sukeban Deka

Sukeban Deka

Or the Pink Haired Baker Movie as well named it.

This "Wonderful" Action Oriented Anime has been compared to La Femme Nikita by some. I don't know which Anime they saw, but apparently it was not the same one we did.

Now then. These tapes are a two set deal.

The series is based around a school in Japan. A school for the wealthy and elite. A school where the teachers turn a blind eye to a school bus that crashes off of a Cliff.

But not the FBI. Oh no. We won't even question what the FBI is doing in Japan but who cares! They find this pink haired girl in prison? Why? Because she's BAD!

They Give her an Ultimatium. Work for us or your Mom Fries! Oh, her mom is apparently in Prison too. Any old Hoo. Girl agrees. They give her a Yo Yo. Not just any Yo Yo, oh no my friends. A Yo Yo with a Badge.

That was tape one, where she meets two "Friends" in school and establishes herself as a force to be reckoned with.

The Villains? A Trio of Sisters. Yup. rich spoiled girls who rule the school yard with an iron fist.

Episode 2. And I'm not making this up.

One of the rich girls has an artistic streak. One of Pinks "friends" does too. Pinks friend is better at painting. The evil rich girl uses her influence to get a gang of nastys to beat up, drug, generally abuse and then kill Pinks Painting Pal. Then the evil rich bimbo get's the girls painting, repaints it and signs her name on the bottom. Voila! Perfect Crime!

So... Pink gets thrown in Jail because the police think that she did the criminal act. (The Killing not the painting.)

She sits in jail for a bit. (long enough for a scene change to let you know that her friend is now indeedy dead.) She then stands up...key the dramatic music... and demands to see the chief of police. Now the Guards agree with this, and let her out of her cell. (Tokyo Police must get this sort of thing all the time.) Once she's in front of the Chief of Police She pulls her Yo Yo out of her Pink Hair. (They just don't search you very well in Tokyo apparently.) Flicks open a cover to show a badge and tells them that she is Special Student Detective such and such.

This is where you need a drink folks. The Chief of Police gasps and tells the other cops "I have heard legends of such an Agency, but I didn't think they were true."

They let her go. She is now allowed to disturb crime scenes, and take evidence for her own investigations.

Between drinks we watched this girl shatter knives with her Yo Yo. So yes, I heartily recommend this "wonderful" movie for your viewing pleasure.

It is subtitled, so after multiple drinks the abilty to read gets fuzzier. But who needs reading? She's got a Bullet proof Yo Yo out to retake the school grounds in the name of good.


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