When's New Year?

The other day I was on AIM. It's a little Typey Box that flashes up on the Flashbox.

The Flashbox is the square TV Screen with the rectangular thing with numbers near it. It connects to Teh Intrawebtalkflashnewsthing. And when you press buttons on it, it makes noise and beeps. Sometimes it shows you magic pictures that are on the screen. But if you turn the flashbox off, you turn off the internet. Be careful with yon power young mortal.

Oh Yah. Sky.

Any old hoo... She asked when New Years was. So I decided to place a clocky clock a mah thing up for her.

She Smiled.

And life was good.

And now... the magic clocky thing!

Countdown to New Years (2004)

(Days : Hours : Minutes : Seconds)

Will wonders never Cease? That's amazing! Oh well...