The Steve.

This is Steve. We affectionately call him SMU. If you don't know why, then you can't call him SMU.

So there.

The original Bad Anime Nights were held in Andy's Apartment. Steve, we all agreed was the loudest walker of the group. Each footstep would cause dust to rain down on the downstairs tenants heads. Steve was originally forbidden to wear shoes in the party. Later this was updated to "Steve is not allowed to Move during the Party."

The Ryar.

Ryan, or Ryar as he's also called, when paired with SMU, or just a good drink and a padded weapon has been known to destroy chandaliers, bannisters, sock puppets, rolls of film, walls, people, and bits of reality.

But it's always fun to see him in action.

Just don't get caught in a SMU pile.

"They are Giants in our Eyes and we are but Ants in Theirs."