The Usual Suspects.

These are the usual individuals that will show up to the Bad Anime Night. Now... It's only a small smattering for the others just haven't filled out their profile sheet. Shame. Shame. Shame. (Waves finger) Sooner or later we will just fill out a profile for them. So they should be afraid. VERY Afraid. Heh.

These beloved individuals will sweep down upon Andy's Dwelling to poison their minds... and souls with Bad Anime, chips, bad cooking, and drinks. Especially the Drinks.

And so...

Without further Ado.

The Usual Suspects... oh. And later this link will be alphabetized. But not now. Not now.

He works late at night, he sleeps during the day. Is it a vampire? No! It's Jesse.

From that dangerous lawless land known as Meridian. It's Jason.

Direct from the Jackson Zoo. It's Monkey.

From Louisiana,falling asleep at's Travis.

Who has the girly stuff in the Graham household? It must be Kristin.

A veritable spokesman for Bacardi. I'm surprised they haven't asked him to join the company. It's Ryan.

From the mist shrouded lands of's John.

Stalking the moon lite streets of Brandon it's Jack.

From the City that houses the Famed SMU university it's Laura.

Doing Hospital stuffs in that kooky state of Alabama... It's Dr. Christy.

Disco dancing somewhere in Jackson it's Amanda.

From the great city of St Louis, our drink consultant Tracey.

The host of the various Movie Nights. And usually the voice of common sense. It's Andy.

Betwixt the corners of Raymond and Jackson. Down many a dark winding road. It's Heather.

In that strange hamlet known as Hattiesburg. Where he's taking polymer science classes. It's Steve.

Along the coast of the Mississippi River... in the quaint village of Vicksburg. It's Gabe.

In the lawless lands that is Louisiana. One Man stands against the Evil... Meet Brian.

Get him drunk enough and he'll give you his autograph... It's Walker.

Hiding somewhere in Louisiana, we're not exactly sure where... It's Christie.

Trying to aid lost German Tourists in Louisiana... and getting them lost on purpose... It's Alicia.

He's got a flintlock pistol and a swordcane to take down those rakish ne'er do'ells in Louisiana. It's Matt.

Somewhere in the Louisiana, Southern Mississippi Area... Preferring subtitles, and we don't know why... It's Cheryl.

Now then... I know what you're saying. "Where's everybody else? Surely that can't be EVERYBODY'S Profile. I mean... That Tracey girl hasn't even gone to a Bad Anime or Movie Night and SHE has a profile. Well... that's because some people haven't filled out their profile. And Starting tonight I will GIVE them a Profile.

P.S. That sentence was typed... what? two years ago? I still haven't made profiles for everyone. Because I'm a lazy bum.

Oh... I still need to place these in Alphabetical order too. Sigh.

So stay tuned...

Same Bat Station...

Same Bat Channel...

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