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The following pictures are of my friends and I at Ohayo-Con, which took place in January of 2002. We had a nice Saiyuki group going, complete with twin Hakkais! ^^ The Shawnee State Cosplayers are as follows: Goku-Kaycee Ronin (that's 'a me!), Gojyo- D-chan, Hakkai (the shorter one)-Mariana, Hakkai (the taller one)- Chibi Jaime, Sanzo- Houri-neechan, and Chin Iisou- Nike-kun. Enjoy!

Well... guess we can say I don't make a very good Goku early in the morning, ne? My poor Nyoibou kept falling apart too. A note to any who intend to cosplay as Goku in the future... Make your Nyoibou out of something stronger than gift wrapper rolls! And buy lots of hair spray...

Aww, Mariana-chan makes a cute short Hakkai, dontcha think? Our group had alot of screwed up heights, but that was okay... Nobody really knew the series... so nobody questioned Goku being a head taller than Hakkai and Gojyo.

Awwwww, lookit the cute lil Gojyo, dontcha just wanna HUG 'im? D-chan's brother made that awesome Shaku-Jou, it even detaches with the chain; very, very cool. The lesson learned from this costume... trying to dye your hair red when it's already dark results in purple.

Horuri-neechan's Sanzo costume was even complete with fan and shuu-rei-jyuu... too bad neither can be seen in the picture, the gun really looked awesome. I'll have to go searching for a pic of it.

There's the gun! *points excitedly* It was home made like D-chan's Shaku-jou. Nice, isn't it? And on your right, our resident psycho, Nike-kun as Chin Iisou...The blue hair just never worked out.

On your left is our taller Hakkai, Chibi Jaime, and her home made little Hakuryuu. Ain't he adorable? On the right is most of our group before the costume contest at Ohayocon.

Our whole group before the costume and skit contest.