
Japanese Name: Inpumon/Impumon
English name: Impmon
Level: Child (NA- Rookie)
Type: Virus/ Small Demon Digimon
A Attack: Night Fire (Badda Boom)
B Attack: Summon
Evolves from: Yaamon
Evolves to: Berezebumon/Berezebumon Blast Mode

Impmon is a very very unique child level digimon.
He's quite an attitude and a very cute little fire attack to match it. >=D
Impy has a lot of emotional issues caused by his tamers Ai and Makoto's mistreatment of him... and it's understandable too... after all would you stick around with little kids who tried to yank yer arms off?
Nah.. of course ya wouldn't
Anyhoo, Impy is rather neglected in the Tamers series (if you didn't notice) and it's unfortune because he really had the most character personality conflict of all the 'main' characters in Tamers...
With Impy's slight unstability he was open to do anything to gain power... which brought about Beelzebumon.... which of course was a very very good thing >=D
