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Name: (The name of your character)

Sailor Status: (Meaning, what is the name of your scout,knight or negaverse warrior.)

Birthdate: (When you were born.)

Astrological Sign: (What is your birth sign.)

Age: (how old you are.)

Hobbies: (What you like doing.)

Strengths: (What your strong points are. i.e serena can eat tons of junk food.)

Weaknesses: (What your weak points are. i.e serena is clumsy,always falling over.)

Goals: (What you want to do in the future.)

Fears: (What are you afraid of. i.e serena and rini are afraid of thunderstorms.)

History: (What did your character do in the past.)

Normal Appearance: (What your character looks like normally.)

Senshi/Knight/Villian Appearance: (What your character looks like transformed.)

Powers Based On: (What elements does your character control.)

Henshin Phrase: (Transformation phrase, if you want you can describe the transformation sequence)

Powers: (I decide this.)

Sailor Scouts: Sailor Scout members possess ONE ability to start with. Another minor ability may be allowed pending a good storyline and originality with that ability. Yes some Scout members have two abilities but consider that their perk for being the first players to apply.

Villians: Recieve the abilities of flight, youma/monster control, energy blast, and teleport automatically. Regardless if the villian is not a part of a group they should have a unique title for their monsters (if they have any) and all teleports have a signature to them (i.e. Zoisite vanishes in a flurry of rose petals, etc.) that keeps them from having too much of an advantage. In addition to these abilities all villians may have a maximum of three special attacks/abilities in addition to the abilities listed earlier. Also see the notes here for a bit of information on the preferred history for villians. Weapons/Equipment:

Sailor Senshi: DO not get weapons. If you want to have a weapon create a female knight or something but no Senshi in sailor fukus running around with weapons. Any items must have all abilities listed or they will not be able to have the abilities, simple as that. The only exception for weapons is staffs, wands, you may have them and only Sailor Scouts of Planet Saturn may have a weapon which is a scythe.

Senshi Knights: Can have a weapon of some sort. All abilities of that weapon, if any, should be listed in the application and if you don't list them don't expect to have them.

Quote: A nifty little saying, kinda like the whole I am Sailor Moon, in the name of the moon I will punish you, type thing. This isn't required and is optional if you choose.

Once you have done this,please email your info to me at and i will put you up as soon as possible.