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Sailor Mars Attacks

Mars Fire Ignite:  Mars clasps her hands together and releases a fireball from her index fingers.

Mars Fireballs, Charge:  Mars holds up a small piece of paper and speaks these words before throwing the paper.  The paper then flies at its target and slows evil beings and exscorsizes minor supernatural evil.

Mars Firebird Strike:  Mars throws one of her anti-evil scrolls and then launches a Mars Fire Ignite at the paper while shouting 'Mars Firebird Strike'.  The fire then surrounds the paper and it becomes a giant fire bird that strikes its opponent.

Mars Firestorm Flash:  Mars does this like her Fire Ignite, but instead it launches a continious blast of fire.

Mars Celestial Fire Surround:  Mar's hand traces a trail of fire in a circle around her and then holds her hands extended to her sides and up.  She then brings her hands together and launches rigns of fire at her opponent.

Mars Flame Sniper:  The symbol of Mars appears in her left hand and forms a bow fire.  Mars then pulls back on the string forming an arrow of fire and lets it fly at her opponents.