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Sailor Mercury Attacks

Mercury Bubbles, Blast:  Sailor Mercury says this in order to generate a mist fog that reduces the visual range of enemies. This generally confuses them, making them more vunerable to attacks.

Mercury Ice Bubbles, Freeze:  Sailor Mercury says this to use her bubbles to freeze an opponent.

Shine Aqua Illusion:  Sailor Mercury says this to generate a massive freezing attack.  This will usually freeze opponents and/or objects, preventing them from moving.

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody:  Sailor Mercury creates a harp of water and plays it sending a stream of water reeming into her opponent.

Mercury Aqua Mirage:  Sailor Mercury creates a ball of ice in her hands with the sign of Mercury in it.  She then twirls it above her head be hurling it at her opponent, entrapping them in it.  The ball then explodes, destroying those inside.

Mercury Acid Bubbles:  This power was taught to her by Lord Bentaris when he kidnapped and brainwashed her into serving him.  The attack is performed like her bubbles but causes those who breathe in the greenish fog to get high as if they had taken the drug acid.  This causes themto see pretty colors and lose all sense of reality.