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Hit Points - you can train to get more hit points, it takes 1 week to gain 5 more hit points.

Energy Points - you can train to get more energy points, it takes 1 week to get 10 more energy points.

Evades - you can train to get more evades, it takes 1 week to get 2 more evades.

Blocks - you can train to get more blocks, it takes 1 week to get 2 more blocks.

Perfoming Attacks - you can train to get 1 turn taken off charging an attack, it takes 2 weeks to get 1 turn taken off and can only be done once per attack, unless i say otherwise.

Attack Damage - you can train to get your attacks to do more damage, it takes 1 week to get 5 more damage added to your attack ot you can train to get your stunning/sleep/mindcontrol attacks to do an extra turn, it takes 1 week to get 1 turn added.

Transformation Training - you can train to get 1 turn taken off your transformation time. can only be done once per transformation and it takes 2 weeks to get 1 turn taken off.