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Sailor Venus Attacks

Venus Crescent Beam, Smash:  Sailor Venus points at her opponent and shouts these words releasing a yellow beam from her finger she shoots it into her enemy.

Venus Love Chain, Encircle:  Sailor Venus holds her hand above her head as a chain of hearts encircles her body as she brings her hand down towards her opponent the chain unwinds shooting toward the enemy.

Venus Meteor, Shower:  Sailor Venus slams both hands down shouting Venus as she shouts Meteor she points upward and than reaches out towards her opponent shouting shower a yellow beam comes out of her index finger and goes towards her opponent it breaks into tiny pieces and showers her opponent.

Venus Love and Beauy Shock:  Venus kisses the palm of her hand and extends it, as if blowing a kiss, and an energy heart appears.  She then blows the heart at her opponent sending out a beam of energy hearts.