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Send Brad Swaile a Birthday Card!

Welcome to my insane campaign to send Brad Swaile birthday cards! If you don't know who Brad Swaile is, you can go to either of these Brad shrines:

Brad Swaile
~*Brad Swaile*~

Brad Swaile is a voice actor from Canada, most famous for his roles as Quatre Winner in Gundam Wing, Nightcrawler in X-Men: Evolution, Mousse in Ranma 1/2, and Ace in My Little Pony. He's had numerous other roles, which you can view by going to the above websites.

Anyway, his birthday happens to be coming up (26 December), and I got the brilliant idea that I should convince everybody I know to send him a birthday card, whether they've heard of him or not. So please, join the fun, and send him a card!

It can be sent here:

Brad Swaile
c/o Tarlington Talent Inc.
Suite 609, 525 Seymour Street
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B 3H7

For more information on this crazy campaign, email me at

Or, email my campaign co-chairperson, Kelly, at

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This site was created by Alyson, because she was just that bored.