The Stalkers...
Here are the list of people who put there butts on the line to bring you [-V-E-G T.V.-]
Name: Areku Yuy
Position: Founder and president of 'SAVE THE VEGGIE' commitite
Job on VTV: clip gatherer and webmistress of Crest Of Kindness
You can see her dog Saba At her old site here.
Name: Kyoko
Position: Vice president of SAVE THE VEGGIE commitie and veggie fan girl
Job: Friend of Areku ,clip gatherer and person who made the cool enter sign and i am anti kakorott logo ^_^
Want to be part of the commitie of help on VTV?
Just E_MAIL me what position you want and what you'll do to help. You'll get a special badge to put on your site or journal saying your part of the crew. cool eh?