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Berserk Fury

Type: Tyrannosaurus
Class: 4
Function: Assault/Command
Alignment: Guylos Empire/Team Vega
Designation: EZ-049

Height: 12.3 m
Length: 22.7 m
Weight: 127 T
Max Speed: 340 km/h
Crew: 1
Known pilots: Vega Obscura
Weapons: Charged Particle Cannon, Twin AZ 185 mm Beam Cannons, Buster Claw, hardened alloy claws, teeth, and six blades that can act like drills
Support Features: Electrostatic Shield Generators, Boosters
Other Information: The Berserk Fury is an Ultimate X, meaning that it has an Organoid system. It is incredibly powerful and nearly unstoppable. It was the secret weapon of the Backdraft Group and is piloted by Vega Obscura. Even when it didn't have any armor, it was able to take down two of the best teams around. The Berserk Fury has three charged particle beams, one from its mouth and the other two from the guns in its blades.
