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Death Saurer

Type: Dinosaur
Class: 5
Function: Heavy Assault
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Designation: EZ-021

Height: 21 m
Length: 32.4 m
Weight: 400 T
Max Speed: 90 km/h
Crew: 2 Max
Known pilots: Prozen
Weapons: Plasma Flame Breath, 16-shot Concealed Mortar, Various 20 mm and 30 mm Cannons, Small Rocket Pods, hardened alloy claws, Charged Particle Cannon
Support Features: Fan
Other Information: The Death Saurer was built by the ancient Zoidians and is incredibly powerful. It is so large that it doesn't need foot-locks to withstand the recoil of the charged particle gun, and it can fire charged particle beams multiple times. A fan on its back gathers the charged particles necessary for the gun. Its Zoid core is in the lower half of its body and so is the cockpit, though Prozen stood on its shoulder. The only problems with it is that it is slow and is highly vulnerable to an attack from the rear when unguarded. Prozen brought the Death Saurer back to life a long time after the ancient Zoidians stopped it from destroying the planet. Van Freiheit, with Zeke and his Blade Liger, was able to stop the Death Saurer from trying to destroy the planet again. The Death Saurer is pure evil and only wants to destroy.
