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Name: Steve Toros

Age: 38

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Violet

Gender: Male

Zoid: None, but has tons of little models


Steve Toros, "the Doc", sponsors the Blitz Team. He's the father of Leena and Leon Toros, and provides the Blitz Team with their Hovercargo and their base. He is supposed to be the one in charge of everything, but usually Jamie has to take care of that job because the Doc is more interested in playing with his Zoid models and shopping. Although he doesn't act like it, he is very smart when it comes to Zoids. He was the one who built the Liger Zero's conversion armors, and the system to install them onto the Liger. The Doc's rival is Dr. Layon. Layon wants to get revenge on the Doc because he thinks the Doc stole the love of his life, Leena and Leon's mother. When Layon and the Doc were a lot younger and still friends, Layon asked the Doc to write a love letter for him, but the Doc asked Jamie's father to write it, and Jamie's father accidentally signed the Doc's name instead of Layon's. That's how the whole revenge thing started, and continues to the end of the series, but it still doesn't end there.


The Doc loves Zoid models and shopping. He acts sort of goofy sometimes, like standing on his head to think of an idea. Sometimes he messes around while the Blitz Team is in a battle, and Jamie has to take care of things. But if things are serious, the Doc is always ready to give advice and think of a way to overcome obstacles.
