A battle begins between the Blitz Team, consisting of a Shield Liger, Command Wolf AC, Dibison, and an extra Zoid, a Pteras, and the Tigers Team, which has three Saber Tigers, while junk dealer Bit Cloud passes by in his stealth truck. The Blitz Team is not doing very well and Leena Toros, in her Dibison, and Brad Hunter, in his Command Wolf AC, are taken down quickly. Meanwhile, Bit sees the battle and decides to collect some parts from Leena's Dibison while the battle is still going on. Bit turns his truck invisible and parks in the middle of the battlefield near the Dibison to start collecting parts. Just then Leon Toros runs by in his Shield Liger and trips over Bit's truck. Leon manages to convince the judge to cancel the battle and move it to tomorrow.
Later that night Bit sneaks into the Blitz Team's base and gets captured. The Blitz Team decides to hold him there overnight. After a while Bit starts to whine about being tied up, and then he sees the Liger Zero. Leena tells Bit how Steve Toros, the Doc, had purchased the Zoid from a cheap dealer at a good price, but later found out that the Zoid wouldn't let anyone pilot it, so they couldn't use it. Bit tells Liger Zero that he doesn't think that it's worthless, and Liger Zero leans down to check out Bit, which really freaks Bit out. But then Liger opens its cockpit and snaps Bit's ropes, freeing him. Bit gets into the Liger, and the Zoid crashes through the wall and runs out into the desert.
The next day the Blitz Team is still wondering how Bit managed to pilot the Liger Zero since no one's ever done it before. They are sort of angry since Bit took a Zoid that belonged to them, but they have to forget about him and focus on the rematch with the Tigers Team. Leon managed to damage one of the Saber Tigers yesterday, so they think that only two Zoids will be fighting, which is good for them since Leon can't fight because he's injured. The battle begins and it's Leena and Brad against two Saber Fangs, but the third Saber Tiger is hidden from their view and it is equipped with a long range weapon. Brad and Leena are not doing very well, but then Bit turns up in the Liger Zero and registers the Liger and himself as part of the Blitz Team with the Zoid Battle Commission.
Then the real battle begins. Bit knows about the third Saber Tiger and charges it. He dodges fire and takes it out. Then he goes back to help Leena and Brad. The Liger is not equipped with any guns, but it does have a strike laser claw. Bit uses Liger's strike laser claw to defeat the Tigers Team and win the battle. Later on, the Doc invites Bit to join the Blitz Team since he's the only one who can pilot the Liger Zero.
"Hey! He listened to me! Cool!" -Bit Cloud
"Destruction of one Saber Tiger confirmed!" -Jamie
"Maybe this strike laser claw thing is a kind of weapon." -Bit Cloud
"Cool! Then let's be partners, Liger Zero." -Bit Cloud