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Episode 10. Desert Tusk: Assault of the War Sharks

The Blitz Team is in another battle, and this time it's with a team of Dark Horns. Brad upsets Leena when he gets in her way, and she yells at him. Jamie tries to give advice, but no one listens. Bit then brags about how he's going to save Leena and Brad. Leena gets mad and shoots at Bit, who runs away quickly in the Jagar, and the Dark Horns get hit by Leena's fire. The Blitz Team wins even though it was a fluke.

Later on Bit runs into Jamie, who's working on strategies. Bit's curious and Jamie says that the computer simulation he ran of the last battle told him that the Blitz Team should have lost. Bit says that they won in reality and that's all that matters, but Jamie still can't figure out why they're winning when they should be losing.

Alteil, a high-ranking Backdraft officer, is in an Iron Kong leading a small group of Dark Horns to a specific location. They arrive at some creepy desert ruins, the place where the deadly Fuma Team likes to hang out. Alteil warns his group not to panic and fire at the Fuma Team's Warsharks, but they do anyway and the Warsharks take them out. Alteil apologizes to the Fuma Team's leader, a lady, and then asks them to battle with the Blitz Team.

Bit, Leena, and Brad are worried about Jamie because he's lost his confidence as the team's tactical commander. The Doc accepts a challenge from a team made of Desert Command Wolves and Leena objects, Bit wants to fight again, and Brad wants the prize money. Jamie thinks up strategies for their battle because that's what he likes to do. The next day the Blitz Team arrives at the desert battlefield only to find that the Desert Command Wolves have all been destroyed. Then the dark judge arrives and sets up a battle between the Blitz Team and the Fuma Team. The battle starts and the Warsharks, swimming under the sand, attack the Liger Zero, Gun Sniper, and Command Wolf and damage them. None of Leena's fire hits the Warsharks so she tries to aim more carefully, and Bit decides to transform into Zero Jagar. The Warsharks attack the Hovercargo and damage it, jamming the door and preventing the Liger from transforming. The Liger is hit by fire, and Brad tries to help, but a Warshark grabs his leg and drags him into a cliff. The Warsharks head to the Hovercargo to finish off the Liger.

Jamie tries to think of a good strategy, but can't come up with anything. Thinking of the safety of his friends, he contacts the dark judge and tries to forfeit the battle, but Bit interrupts and tells him not to because they still could win if they try, then uses a strike laser claw to break into the Hovercargo. Jamie thinks about this, and realizes that they've been winning battles because Leena uses tons of ammo, which she hasn't been doing much during this battle; Brad's maneuverability has been low in this battle when it is high in others; and Bit helps because he always goes overboard. Jamie thinks up a clever plan and contacts Leena, who tells him that he's not going to convince her to quit, but Jamie tells her that Bit's been stealing her food again. Leena has a fit and shoots a ton of missiles at Bit. Jamie then calls Brad and tells him to move towards the Hovercargo to get individual points. Bit spots Leena's missiles, and screams and runs off. The missiles hit the Warsharks that have come to attack the Liger and knock them out of the sand, and Brad shoots one of them, taking it out of the battle. Leena fries another one, and Bit transforms into Zero Jager.

Bit runs after the third Warshark, and then uses Liger's ion boosters to get ahead of it. Bit swerves around and takes out the the Warshark. Then the leader of the Fuma Team appears and jumps out of the sand, and Bit uses a strike laser claw to take it out. The Blitz Team won again! Back at the base, Leena is still having a fit and chases Bit all over the place.


"Would you stop arguing and concentrate on the battle?!" -Jamie
"You guys need to start playing by the rules!" -Brad Hunter
"Just like Bit to go way overboard like that." -Jamie
"Bit's the one! Get him, Leena!" -Jamie
"Hello little guppy! Time for an old-fashion fish fry!" -Leena
"Announce the winner. We're waiting..." -The Doc
