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Episode 16. The Red Rival: Leon Toros Returns

Naomi is in a battle with the Backdraft Group's Gold Team. She shoots down two of the Rev Rators. She shoots at the third one, but misses. She tries again a few times, but misses each time. The Rev Raptor slices off her tail and puts its blade to her Zoid's throat. Major Polta, the pilot of the Rev Raptor, tells her that they are using a magnetic field. Then a red Blade Liger slices into the dome and cuts through the Rev Raptor. The pilot turns out to be none other than Leon Toros, and he wants to join up with Naomi.

The next day, the Blitz Team gets a challenge from Naomi for a two on two battle. The Doc decides to send Leena and Bit into battle. Harry shows up and wants to fight in the battle too, but the Blitz Team ignores him. Later on, the Blitz Team gets to the battlefield, running over Harry's team in the process. The judge arrives, and Leena and Bit try to spot where Naomi is before the battle starts. Naomi is standing on top of a cliff, and she tells them where she is. Then Leon shows up and introduces himself. The Doc thinks that his Blade Liger is the coolest Zoid he's ever seen.

Meanwhile, Major Polta finds out about the Blitz Team's battle, and decides to get revenge for what the red Blade Liger did to him. The battle starts and Leena shoots at Naomi, but none of her shots hit (maybe that's because she needs to learn how to aim). Naomi starts to snipe at Leena, who hides behind a rock. Leon and Bit face off, and Leon wants to see if Bit's worthy enough to be his rival. Bit attacks with the Liger Zero's claws, but Leon uses his Liger's claws to punch Bit back. Leon pins Bit down and tells him about his journey. He traveled for a long time, winning some battles and losing a lot. He learned that he wasn't as good as he thought he was, and how to swallow his pride and accept defeat. Then one day he was walking in the legendary valley traveled by all the greatest warriors of the past. There, he met his partner, the red Blade Liger. Leon tells Bit that he has a lot to learn about Zoid battles.

Bit then uses his booster to escape Leon's grip and prepares to attack. Leon extends his blades, and Bit decides not to transform because Leon's not using any add-ons, so neither will he. Bit attacks with a strike laser claw, but Leon dodges and counterattacks with his blade. The Liger Zero is hurt and gets knocked down to the ground, but gets up ready for another go. Meanwhile, Naomi shoots down Leena, then watches Bit and Leon's fight. Bit tries the strike laser claw attack a few more times, but each time Leon hits Bit with his blades. Then on one attack, Bit manages to scatch the Blade Liger's leg. Leon and Naomi wonder how Bit did this (of course, it wasn't Bit. It was the Liger's organoid system).

Then Major Polta arrives with a large group of Rev Raptors. They shoot out spikes that generate a magnetic field, and the judge stops working. Then they attack, and Bit changes into Zero Schneider, and he and Leon slice up all the Rev Raptors except for Major Polta's one. Major Polta wonders how they lost when they were up against only two Zoids, and tries to run, but Naomi shoots him down. The battle is cancelled, and Naomi and Leon say their goodbyes and leave. The Doc wanted Leon to come back to the Blitz Team, but Bit says he's happier with a few strong rivals.


"Heh. Let's call it magic." -Major Polta
"I'll show her why they call me trigger-happy!" -Leena Toros
"It's anyone's guess, but I do know...I want one!" -The Doc
"The hopes and beliefs that had kept me going...were shattered." -Leon Toros
"Don't tell me Bit's going to charge him without a weapon!" -Brad Hunter
"The world of Zoid battles is bigger than I thought." -Leon Toros
