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Episode 19. The Third Conversion: Zero Panzer's Debut

At a Backdraft Group base, Captain Stigma Stoller steals a Whale King and flies off. In the Blitz Team's Hovercargo, Leon comes to visit while Jamie and the Doc are working on the Liger's Panzer armor. It's weapons are two hybrid cannons, four micro-missile pods, and more. It has excellent offence and defense capabilities, but it hasn't been tested yet because it's dangerous for the pilot. Bit has gone out for a run with the Liger, and he runs into Stoller, who wants to challenge him to an official one on one battle. He's even registered with the ZBC! Bit agrees to the battle , and heads back. At the Hovercargo, Bit is yelled at for accepting the battle. The Elephander is very strong, and it will be hard for him to win. The last two times he battled the Elephander, he barely won with the Jager, and Sanders was the pilot that time, and when he battled against Stoller, the Schneider's blade was broken. And now the Elephander has been modified, so it will be almost impossible to beat!

Leon suggests that Bit should use the Panzer, but Bit says it's too dangerous. Leon tells him that he should at think about it, because it has a lot of potential. At the battlefield, Bit faces off against Stoller. He has decided to use the Schneider. Leon and Naomi are watching the battle in a cafe. The battle starts and Stoller fires at Bit, who dodges and rushes in to attack. Bit uses buster slash, but the Elephander defends and breaks one of Bit's blades. Bit tries to attack with six blades, but Stoller breaks another blade easily. Bit tries to attack again but it's no good. The Elephander is too strong. Bit doesn't know what to do, so the Liger Zero runs back to the Hovercargo. Bit tries to figure out what it wants, and finds out that the Liger wants to use the Panzer armor.

Meanwhile, Stoller has equiped a different weapon onto the Elephander, and comes out of his Whale King ready to fight again. The Zero Panzer is dropped off of the side of the Hovercargo, which opened one of the side panels, because it's so heavy that it can't be launched from the catapult. Bit can hardly keep the Liger balanced, and he can barely move because the armor is very heavy. Stoller fires at Bit, who can't move, but the Liger withstands his attack. The Liger is starting to overheat, so Bit fires the Hybrid Cannon. It breaks through the Elephander's shield and damages it, but Stoller is still in the battle. The Liger, however, is really overheating and shuts down.

Stoller walks towards the Liger, but then a group of Zabat shoot at him. The Backdraft Group has arrived. They keep on attacking and the Elephander is taken out. Bit then gets the Liger working again, and he prepares to fire an attack, the burning bigbang. The Liger launches all of its missiles at the Zabat, destroying all but one, which flies off. The Liger jettison's its armor and stretches. It's very hot in the cockpit, but Bit doesn't care. Naomi and Leon talk about the battle, and Leon says that the Liger still hasn't reached its full potential yet. Bit jumps out of the Liger to cool off.


"Brad's gunna' regret that! It's time for a pay cut!" -The Doc
"Don't say I never thanked you properly." -Stigma Stoller
"I guess the Panzer really is too heavy. Still, it's one of the coolest things I've ever seen!" -The Doc
"What am I supposed to do?" -Bit Cloud
"Don't think for a second that I'm prepared to lose this battle to you!" -Stigma Stoller
