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Episode 21. Harry's Disaster: Dr. Layon Traps Toros

Harry has a dream about him and Leena, but it turns bad when Bit shows up in his dream and takes Leena away from him. To make things worse when Harry wakes up, he finds that Bit is there. Bit gives Harry a letter from Leena, the same letter Harry sent her the day before. Harry is upset, and Bit goes to a shop to place an order. When he gets to the shop, he can't find the order. In the Hovercargo, the Doc asks Leena if she's placed the order. Leena says that she'll take care of it, and the Doc tells Leena to not tell anyone about what he's ordering, especially Bit. Leena says okay, and when he leaves she worries because she's already told Bit to take in the order.

Meanwhile, the Fuma Team battle a team of Dibison with their new and improved Warsharks, now called Neo Warsharks, that they got from Dr. Layon and win. Harry looks at the order that Bit lost. He thinks that it's a sign from Leena that if he wants her to accept his love then he has to buy her the thing on the order. Harry's robots tell him to forget it, but Harry jumps up and tells them to contact the shop they deal with all the time. Later, Leena finds Bit and screams at him for losing the order form. Just then, a delivery truck arrives carrying a huge gun, a long range buster cannon. The rest of the Blitz Team get there, and Brad complains about how much it will cost. The guy says that the weapon has already been payed for, and gives them a note from Harry. The note says that Leena has to go on a date with him.

While Harry is getting ready for his date, a Demantis appears. The pilot is Dr. Layon, and he talks to Harry. At the Hovercargo, Leena tortures Bit while the rest of them talk about where to put the cannon. The Doc wants to put it on the Shadowfox because it was built to be able to switch weapons easily, but Brad refuses. Later, Layon and Harry are eating noodles in the middle of the desert. Layon talks to Harry about Leena, and tells him that he reminds him of himself. Then Harry passes out because Layon put something in his noodles.

Layon challenges the Doc to a battle, and the Doc tricks Layon into offering ten times the usual amount of prize money before accepting. Leena is angry that Harry didn't show up for the date, and Bit whines about how much his spine hurts from Leena's torturing. At the battlefield, the Blitz Team faces the Fuma Team again, with Bit in the Jager. Three of them are in Neo Warsharks, and the leader is hidden behind a mountain in a Hammerhead. At first, the Blitz Team is being thrashed by the Fuma Team. The Neo Warsharks have way better offense and defense than normal Warsharks. They even have a shield, which they use to block attacks from the Blitz Team. Finally, the Doc suggests that they use their new cannon.

Of course, Brad refuses until the Doc offers him a bigger share of the prize money. Brad runs back to the Hovercargo and the cannon is equipped onto the Shadowfox. Then one of the Hovercargo's side panels opens and the Fox appears, and Layon is angry that the Doc modified his Zoid. Brad fires the cannon, and the beam breaks through the Warshark's shields and badly damages them. Then the Hammerhead arrives, and the Blitz Team sees Harry tied to its belly. The Blitz Team hesitates to shoot because they don't want to hurt Harry, and the Hammerhead shoots missiles and takes out the Liger and the Shadowfox, which was walking towards the Hammerhead with the heavy cannon on its back.

Leena is the only one left, and Layon orders the Hammerhead to attack the Hovercargo because the Gun Sniper won't shoot since Harry is tied to it. He thinks that Harry and Leena are in love because that's what Harry told him. Harry tells Leena to shoot anyway, and Leena looks at him for a moment. Then she snarls that no one stands her up on a date, and fires everything she has at the Hammerhead, taking it out. The Doc can't figure out why Layon would take Harry hostage and the leader of the Fuma Teams cries about their defeat. Leena brags about winning, and Harry climbs out of the wreckage of the Hammerhead and says that he loves Leena more with every shot she fires his way.


"What have I ever done to deserve this anguish and torment?!" -Harry Champ
"Don't tell Bit about it either. That guy's got a big mouth." -The Doc
"You fool! I lost because of Toros! He's pure evil!" -Dr. Layon
"That didn't sound too healthy." -Brad Hunter
"I just wish my spine could be here to join us today." -Bit Cloud
"Nobody stands me up on a date and gets away with it!" -Leena Toros
