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Episode 23. The Dragon Awakens: The Berserk Fury Enters the Fray

Bit arrives at the Blitz Team's base with some parts he found. He's soon going to sell of the his parts for money, but finds out the the Doc already sold them all. The Doc's going to use the money to get all of their Zoids fixed properly, and Bit has a fit about how the Doc sold all of his parts. Meanhwhile, the Vega rides to a city in a Sinker, and his guardian, Sarah, and Alteil talk about him.

The Blitz Team takes all of their Zoids to a shop for a tune-up. Bit decides to play a video game, a battle simulation with Command Wolves, while he waits. Leena and Brad wonder why he's wasting his time with a game. Jack Sisco is also playing and winning a lot, so Bit challenges him and they start playing. Then Vega comes and gets into the game, but Bit and Jack don't want him to play. Vega predicts Jack's moves easily and beats him. Bit tries to shoot Vega, but Vega skillfully maneuvers his simulated Command Wolf and dodges Bit's fire. He gets up close to Bit and positions his gun right under Bit's Wolf's neck, then fires to win the game. The game is over and Vega runs off laughing. Bit and Jack sulk while walking away.

Later, Vega is back at a Backdraft base and Sarah prepares him for his battle that will take place later that day. The battle that Vega will fight in is the one between the Blitz and Lightning Teams. Bit's using the Jager as usual, and Jack is ready to fight him because he didn't have the chance to beat him earlier in that video game. The battle is about to start, but the dark judge lands on the white judge. A black Whale King arrives and the Berserk Fury, a t-rex-like Zoid, jumps out without any armor on. The Doc wonders why it doesn't have any armor, and thinks that the Backdraft Group must be running low on money. Jack doesn't want his fight with Bit to be interrupted and charges at the Fury. Jack leaps at it, but the Fury dodges and knocks Jack's gun off with its tail, taking him out of the battle.

The Tasker sisters attack together, but the Fury catches the tail of one in its mouth and swings it around in circles. Then it throws the Zoid into the other Lightning Saix, taking both of them out. Brad tries his luck next, and releases smoke. Vega counts to five and then jumps, dodging the Shadowfox's fire. The Fury kicks the Fox and defeats it, and Brad wonders how Vega could predict his moves. The Doc and Jamie wonder about the pilot of the Fury, and start collecting data. Right after Vega beat Brad, Bit leaps at the Fury, but the Fury pulls back and kicks the Liger in its head. Leena fires all of her missiles at Vega, but Vega uses the same maneuver he did in the video game and dodges all of her fire.

Vega charges at Leena and knocks her out with the Fury's tail. Bit remembers how the the kid that beat him in the video game used the same maneuver, and figures that the same kid is piloting the Fury. Then he runs forward and attacks with a strike laser claw. Vega jumps up and meets Bit's attack using the Fury's claws on its hind legs. The Liger lands hard and is damaged, while the Fury lands gracefully with only a scratch. Vega powers up the Fury's charged particle gun, but Sarah contacts him and tells him not to because the Fury wouldn't survive it without armor, and to come back. Vega says goodbye to Bit and leaves to get armor for the Berserk Fury.


"You sold all my parts..." -Bit Cloud
"Who's my first opponent?" -Vega Obscura
"I'd recognize that dark judge anywhere." -The Doc
"You're always sympathizing with the enemy." -Jamie
"I see I have another challenger." -Vega Obscura
