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Episode 3. The Prince Arrives - Harry Champ

The Blitz Team is fighting another team made up of Helcats and a Saber Tiger, and Bit warns Leena that an enemy Zoid is preparing to shoot her and attacks the Zoid she was aiming at. Leena yells at Bit for that, and gets shot because she didn't listen to him, but the Blitz Team still wins the battle. Bit takes a dual shock cannon from the enemy Saber Tiger to install on the Liger Zero. Meanwhile, a Dark Horn shoots Rev Raptors for practice, and it's revealed that the pilot is Harry Champ, a man destined to be king. He has a huge crush on Leena. Later on, Leena is screaming at Bit, who isn't listening to her, and Harry shows up because he thinks that Bit is trying to take his girl, which isn't true. Leena fakes a crush on Bit and tells Harry that they're really close, and Bit just stands there ignoring her. Harry becomes furious and challenges Bit to a battle, and the winner gets Leena. Bit accepts and Harry leaves, while Leena is happy that she'll have another chance to get points for herself in a battle.

Later on, Brad and Bit are working out, and Brad tells Bit about how rich Harry is, but Bit seems to be temporarily retarded and doesn't listen to him much, and acts shocked when he figures out that Leena goes to the winner. Leena meanwhile, has deluded herself into thinking that evryone thinks she's beautiful, and praises herself for getting two guys to fight over her.

The battle will take plac in some maze-like ruins. Harry is in his Dark Horn, and his team mates, two robots, Benjamin and Sebastin, are in a Stealth Viper and a Hel Digunner. Bit, Leena, and Brad are going to fight them. Harry says that he's going to go after Bit himself, and that Benjamin and Sebastian are to go after Brad and Leena. The battle starts and the two teams rush into the maze. Harry charges after Bit, who thinks he can lose the Dark Horn because of the tight cornering, but it turns out that Harry has customized his Zoid so it can make better turns. Bit runs from Harry and keeps turning left. Leena takes out the Stealth Viper, and sees Brad and the Hel Digunner. She grins and shoots both of them, damaging the Command Wolf and taking out the Hel Digunner. Brad yells at her to watch where she's shooting, and Leena says that she didn't see him (yeah right).

Bit continues to run from Harry, who keeps firing constantly. After one final left turn, Harry's Zoid collapses from the stress of all the left turns. Bit attacks with his new dual shock cannon, and knocks off Harry's weapons. Bit tells Harry to give up, but Harry refuses. When Bit's just about to attack with a strike laser claw, Leena shows up and shoots both of them, taking out Harry. The Blitz Team won the battle, but Leena is the true winner since she's the only one who got target points for taking out Zoids. Harry is depressed about losing the battle, and Bit tells him that he can have Leena and that he doesn't know what he sees in her anyway. Harry is happy and says that there's not really anything about Leena that he particularly likes; it's the whole package. He likes Leena for who she is.


"I can't help it if I'm beautiful." -Leena Toros
"I knew it. The guy never listens to anyone." -Brad Hunter
"She may be the enemy, but she's my Leena!" -Harry Champ
"Oh! What have I done to you! Your head's fallen under the consol!" -Steve Toros
"Must be Leena. She's the only one who can waste ammo like that." -Brad Hunter
