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Episode 4. Unsanctioned Battle: The Mysterious Backdraft Group

A battle is going on between a Godos and a Hel Digunner. A mysterious guy wearing a visor watches the battle and comments that it's really boring. Then a huge black ball lands on the judge and surprises the pilots of the two Zoids. The guy with the visor then smirks and says that the Backdraft Group has taken over the battle.

At the Blitz Team's base, Bit wants to take a shower, but it's Leena's time to use the shower. Bit barges in on Leena, who screams at Bit for interrupting her. Bit makes a comment that makes Leena furious, and she chases him out of the base with the bathtub held over her head. Bit tries to escape in his jeep, but Leena chases after him in Jamie's Pteras. Leena shoots at Bit, whose truck is knocked over in the explosion. Leena flies on for a while, then comes upon the wrecked Hel Digunner and Godos. The Backdraft Group men around the two Zoids spot her, and the guy with the visor, Major Polta, orders some Helcats to shoot her down.

Back at the Blitz Team's base, the Doc, Bit, and Brad are wondering where Leena is. Jamie is sulking in a corner. They then get a call from Major Polta, the leader of the Backdraft Group's Gold Team, who challenges them to a battle. Bit wants to know who the Backdraft Group is, and Brad says they are a group of people who like to fight in battles without any rules. The Doc refuses, and then Major Polta shows them that they have the Pteras and Leena, and during the process he gets his visor cracked, hair messed up, and clothes torn by Leena. The Blitz Team is forced into the battle to save Leena, but Brad refuses to fight if he won't get any money from it.

The next day, Bit and the Liger and Jamie in Leena's Dibison are ready to fight. The Backdraft Whale King belonging to Major Polta shows up and sets up an energy field around the perimeter of the desert battlefield. They are using three invisible Helcats, but they don't tell the Blitz Team that. The Doc is worried about Leena. The dark judge then arrives and starts the battle. The Helcats surprise the Blitz Team, and Bit runs to try to get to a better position, but crashes into the energy field. Meanwhile, Leena tricks a guard and escapes to find a way out of the Whale King. Jamie figures out that he can see where the Helcats are by finding their trakcs. He sends the data to Bit, who uses it well and takes out one Helcat with a strike laser claw. Major Polta sees this and orders his men to get his Saber Tiger out. Then the Whale King launches a black ball onto the battlefield. Jamie stares at it, and the ball then starts moving. It crashes into the Dibison, taking it out of the battle. Next it goes after Bit, who runs from it and uses his high maneuverability to get it stuck in a huge rock.

The two remaining Helcats attack Bit, and Major Polta shoots some spikes out of a large gun on his Saber Fang, which is also invisible, to trap Bit. The Doc calls the judge and says that he counts four warriors for the Gold Team and the battle was supposed to be three on three, but the judge says that he never said that there was a limit to the number of Zoids that could fight. It looks like the Blitz Team is going to lose, but then Brad shows up in his Command Wolf and takes out a Helcat. Bit jumps on the other one and takes it out too, leaving only the Saber Fang. Major Polta shoots out more spikes, but Bit and Brad dodge them. Brad says he has a plan and shoots around the area where he figures the Saber Fang is, causing a lot of sand to be blown up in huge clouds. Bit sees the outline of the Saber Fang by using the sand clouds, and takes it out with a strike laser claw, winning the battle. Just then, the Pteras, piloted by Leena, bursts out of the Whale King, and Leena laughs saying that they were stupid to think that they could ever keep a girl like her hostage. Later on, Bit finds out that Brad only helped out because the Doc promised to give him Bit's share of the prize money they'll get from the next battle, and Jamie is standing in the hanger looking hopelessly at his damaged Pteras.


"Do you expect me to have the bath schedule engraved in my brain?" -Bit Cloud
"Heh. Got ourselves a live one." -Major Polta
" poor Pteras." -Jamie
"Oh dear, did I forget to mention that we set up an energy field around the perimeter?" -Major Polta
"Oh Bit, about that bath you didn't have..." -Brad Hunter
