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Episode 9. The Princess Arrives - Mary Champ

The Blitz Team wins another battle, and Leena says that they should be moving up a class soon. Meanwhile, Harry loses to the Backdraft Group's Gold Team and they take all of his Zoids. Back at the Blitz Team's base, Bit chases Leena, who has stolen his cookie. Then a huge carriage pulled by Dibison pulls up by the base and a girl asks where she could find Harry Champ. Bit and Leena point her in the right direction and Leena eats Bit's cookie.

At the Champ Team's base, Harry meets the girl who was looking for him, his sister Mary Champ! She wants him to come home and forget about Zoid battles, but Harry wants to impress Leena. Mary says that if he continues to fight in Zoid battles and not come home then he'll be cut off from the family fortune. Harry tells her about the girl he wants to impress, and Mary wants to meet Leena, so they head over to the Blitz Team's base. When they get there, Leena is chasing Bit, who has stolen her doughnut. Mary looks at Leena and says she's no good, and then she says the Doc's no good either, but she loves the Liger Zero, calling it a "snowflake". She wants to buy it, but Bit refuses to sell his partner. Mary challenges them to a Zoid battle and says that if she and Harry win then they get the Liger Zero, and if the Blitz Team wins then they get ten times the normal amount of prize money. The Blitz Team accepts, though Bit is not happy.

The battle takes place on a grassy area and is four on four. The Champ Team has four Iron Kongs, which are good Zoids. They have tons and tons of ammo. The battle starts and Jamie scouts the area with his Pteras, but gets shot down. Then the remaining three Zoids on the Blitz Team detect a huge barrage of missiles coming towards them, and they try to shoot some of them down, and Bit, with Zero Jager, leads the rest of the missiles away with his speed and ditches them. Mary wonders why the Liger is blue, and Harry tells her about the armors, giving her the idea of dress-up parties for when she gets the Liger.

The Champ Team launches a HUGE missile at Bit, who dodges it with his speed. Bit attacks the Champ Team but Harry punches him back. Bit runs back to the Hovercargo to change into the Schneider. Brad and Leena take a beating from the Iron Kongs. Then Bit arrives to help out. He takes out Harry with a buster slash, and Brad and Leena blow up the Champ Team's ammo, catching the other three Kongs in the explosion, and win the battle. Afterwards, the Blitz Team moves up to class A, and Mary says she didn't know Zoid battles were so fun and that she'll get their father to give Harry more money so he can stay and battle, but only if he stays away from Leena since she doesn't like her.


"No! Not her!" -Harry Champ
"I think it's time you stopped going in those silly Zoid battles." -Mary Champ
"Give me back my doughnut!" -Leena Toros
"No chance, you cookie bandit!" -Bit Cloud
"Think of all the dress-up parties!" -Mary Chamo
"Why me?!" -Harry Champ
