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Gun Sniper

Type: Velociraptor
Class: 2
Function: Light Assault
Alignment: Helic Republic/Blitz Team/Fluegel Team
Designation: RZ-030

Height: 7.2 m
Length: 11.9 m
Weight: 25 T
Max Speed: 200 km/h
Crew: 1
Known pilots: Leena Toros, Naomi Fluegel
Weapons: 80 mm Cannon, 144 mm Cannon (tail sniper rifle), 3 Pivoting 40 mm Cannons, Dual Concealed 8-shot Rocket Pods, may also have Wild Wizel unit
Support Features: None
Other Information: The Gun Sniper is a light-weight, highly maneuverable, fast, small sniper Zoid. It has very good aim. This Zoid is heavily armed for its size and can be customized in many different ways. The Wild Wizel unit is a good customized part, but it can be taken to the extreme, as shown by Leena Toros. She added two Wild Wizel units onto her Gun Sniper. It has so many guns that it can't use its tail gun anymore.
