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Name: Jack Sisco

Age: Looks to be around 17 to 20

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Blue

Gender: Male

Zoid: Lightning Saix


Jack Sisco is a very good mercenary who only works for people who are willing to pay him a lot of money. He pilots a Lightning Saix, and is very skilled at doing so. He is one of Bit's main rivals. Bit beat him once, so Jack got revenge and defeated him in another battle, but Bit beat him in their last match together. At first Jack worked only for money, but after Bit first beat him he worked at gaining perfect control of his Saix and then joined the Lightning Team to fight alongside Chris and Kelly Tasker.


Jack first appears to only care about money and nothing else, but later it's shown that he's actually a pretty nice guy because he doesn't make Harry pay him when he loses to Bit, and he doesn't act at all like he's angry that he lost. He knows a lot about piloting Zoids and knows the strengths and weaknesses of his Saix. It is also shown that he's pretty careful in Zoid battles when he and Bit are fighting their third battle and he doesn't crash into the forest like Bit does.
