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Konig Wolf

Type: Wolf
Class: 4
Function: Recon/Patrol/Assault
Alignment: Helic Republic
Designation: RZ-053

Height: 8.64 m
Length: 21.24 m
Weight: 90.5 T
Max Speed: 290 km/h
Crew: 1
Known pilots: none
Weapons: hardened alloy claws and teeth, also can be equiped with a Dual Sniper Rifle and 4 AZ-5 Missile Pods, electromagnetic bite
Support Features: Twin Multi-purpose dischargers, Cross-spectrum scope, special cooling gear
Other Information: The Konig Wolf is the ultimate form of the Command Wolf, and was developed to battle the Liger Zero X. It needs special cooling gear because it tends to overheat in battle, but it is still an excellent Zoid. It can increase accuracy when using the cross-spectrum scope with the dual sniper rifle.

Note: I got these Zoid images off of another website.
