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Name: Leena Toros

Age: 16

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Violet

Gender: Female

Zoid: Dibison/Gunsniper


Leena was on the Blitz Team before Bit joined. She's the daughter of Steve Toros. Leena first piloted a Dibison. It's obvious she likes Zoids that have a lot of ammo. When her Dibison was destroyed by the Elephander, Leena got a modified Gunsniper. She stuck as many weapons on it as she could, and developed a strong rivalry with Naomi.


Leena is trigger-happy. That's all there is to it. She's trigger-happy and has a short temper. She can be nice when she wants to, but when she gets mad, the person who she's mad at better watch out, which is usually Bit. He tends to steal her food, and she doesn't exactly like that. She sometimes goes to extreme measures to get back at him, like shooting at him with Jamie's Pteras. Harry Champ is madly in love with her for some odd reason, but she doesn't seem to return his feelings. Leena uses a ton of ammo in battle, and doesn't exactly aim all the time, so she usually has to rely on Bit or Brad to get her out of trouble if she's in any. But despite that, she can be very formidable in battle.
