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Lightning Saix

Type: Cheetah
Class: 4
Function: High-Speed Assault/Command
Alignment: Guylos Empire/Lightning Team
Designation: EZ-035

Height: 8.8 m
Length: 18.4 m
Weight: 65 T
Max Speed: 325 km/h
Crew: 1
Known pilots: Irvine, Jack Sisco, Chris and Kelly Tasker
Weapons: Twin Lightning Beam Cannons
Support Features: Ion Booster, Holographic Technology
Other Information: The Lightning Saix is the fastest Zoid ever built. It was developed by Dr. D to fight the Geno Breaker and its first true pilot was Irvine. It has a good weapon, but it can't make tight turns. Although the Saix is very fast, some Zoids are able to keep pace with it, like Van's Blade Liger and the Liger Zero Jagar. Jack Sisco is also a good pilot of this Zoid, but Irvine was the best. Irvine piloted the first Lightning Saix ever built when his Command Wolf was fatally damaged by the Geno Breaker and its memory bank was transplanted to the Saix.
