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Death Saurer

Basics: The Death Saurer is the second biggest Zoid you can build, next to the Ultrasaurus. It surprisingly doesn't have a lot a pieces compared to its size, but the pieces are pretty big. The Saurer's tail is really long, and its body is huge. Its feet are very, very big and its got big teeth too. Basically, everything about this Zoid is big except for the little guns you can put on its body. Sadly, it doesn't come with a little Prozen action figure (that would be so funny! You could cut off his head!), but with a little man to sit in the cockpit, which is in its belly. The Death Saurer requires two C-size batteries.

Neat Features: The Death Saurer can walk pretty fast for its size, move its tail, move its arms, spin its fan, and open and close its mouth. Its eyes also glow red and some of the red glow also comes out of its mouth. My Death Saurer's eyes shone red randomly, flickering off for a bit and then on again, but I don't know if that's how its supposed to work or maybe it's doing that because I sort of pulled on the wire a bit.

Difficulty: 7/10. The hardest part is the head. It's hard to snap the top part of the head together with the glowy-red-thing inside because the wire it sort of short. The next hardest part is the legs. There are a lot of little thingies you have to put on the pegs, but the thingies are different sizes, so you have to be careful.

Problems: Like the Ultrasaurus, there is no cover for the batteries so you might want to tape them in.

Overall: The Death Saurer is really cool. It doesn't cost as much as the Ultrasaurus and it's almost as big as it. The coolest thing is that some of the red glow from the eyes comes out of the mouth, and that makes it look really creepy.
