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Basics: The Shadowfox comes with a wind-up motor and its own tool (that fits in its tail) to wind it up. The pieces are quite small with the largest ones being the ones that form the body. The Shadowfox's only weapon is the gun on its back, but you can fit other weapons onto it, like the Wild Wizel unit. The Fox is a pretty small Zoid and it walks fairly fast.

Neat Features: The Shadowfox can walk when you wind the motor up. You can open and close its mouth and tail, rotate and move the gun, and the head is very flexible.

Difficulty: 6/10. The head is pretty hard to snap together because of all the pieces you need to put in it. The gun is also hard to build because of the gears that let you rotate it.

Problems: The ears tend to fall off sometimes, so be careful not to lose them.

Overall: The Shadowfox is a pretty easy Zoid to build, and it's small too so it doesn't take up that much room like some Zoids *coughUltrasauruscough*. It doesn't cost that much either. If your a fan of the Fox, then you should definitely get it.
