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Basics: The Redler is a very, very easy Zoid to build. In fact, I recommend that everyone get this Zoid just to laugh at how easy it is. Even better, first build a hard one like the Ultrasaurus or Geno Breaker or Berserk Fury and then build this one. You'll laugh because it's so pathetically simple. Anyway, the Redler is a small Zoid and has few pieces. It comes with a wind-up motor.

Neat Features: The wings flap, the legs move, and the tail blade can move up and down. And like all Zoids, the cockpit can open.

Difficulty: 1/10. The wings are probably the hardest part, not that that means the Zoid is hard to build or anything.

Problems: None really, unless you want to call easiness a problem.

Overall: The Redler is a simple aerial Zoid to build. It is a dragon though, so if you like dragons, you might consider getting it.
