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Liger Zero X

Basics: The Liger Zero X is a really cool Zoid. It's just like the Liger Zero and has two armors to wear. One is red and the other is blue. The red one includes boosters and the blue has electric blades. It's fun to mess with the armors of the Liger Zero and Liger Zero X, since they can both wear each other's armors. The pieces are not that big, but there are a ton of them. The Zero X walks as fast as Liger Zero, and needs two AAA batteries to work.

Neat Features: The Zero X can walk, and open and close its mouth. Its boosters can open, the blades can move, the blue leg armor can open, and the tail can move.

Difficulty: 7/10. The Zero X is pretty hard to build. It's more difficult than the Liger Zero, and the blue armor is sort of hard to put together.

Problems: Nothing.

Overall: The Liger Zero X is better then the Liger Zero, in my opinion, because of the two different armors. It also looks cooler than the Liger Zero, so if you're thinking about getting one of the two of them, then get the Liger Zero X because it's better.
