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Why Bit Cloud is the Dumbest Moron in Zoids Zero

Despite the fact that most people who watch Zoids Zero think that Bit is the best character in it and that there's no way anyone can't like him, I do in fact hate him and think he's a moron. He's a worthless character who doesn't deserve any of the fame that he gets. He's annoying and I have no idea why people think he's a good Zoid pilot. Van, from Zoids Chaotic Century/Guardian Force, is a way better pilot than he is, and that's saying something because I don't even like Van that much. And of course, I have my reasons for saying that Bit's a moron.

The first reason is that Bit's actual character lacks a good personality. This is also a reason for why Chaotic Century is so much better than Zoids Zero; all the characters in CC have personalities. Bit doesn't seem to notice what's going on around him, except for in Zoid battles. It's like he's got two personalities, almost like Jamie. He's irritatingly cocky and his voice is barely tolerable. I could go on and on about the little things about Bit that annoy me, but that would just be a waste of time, since I know that no one wants to read through ten pages of something like that. Anyway, Bit's personality doesn't have any depth to it. We know nothing about his past except that he was a junk dealer. Van, on the other hand, is much more interesting because of all the problems he has to face and overcome. Bit is... just some happy loser who sucks. He's not even that smart. In fact, the only person I believe is stupider than Bit is the idiot shown below.

Bit also isn't a talented Zoid pilot. Oh wait! He beat all those other people and even Vega! He has to be a good pilot, right? Wrong! Bit didn't do anything! He would have started losing a ton of battles, beginning way back in episode two, if it hadn't been for the Liger Zero's Organoid system. When Naomi shot at him while he was leaping at her, it was the Liger that saved them. It was the Liger who dodged Jack's attack in that episode where they had a rematch. It was the Liger who learned how to use buster slash and the seven blade attack. It was the Liger who wanted to use the Panzer armor when they were battling Stigma. It was the Liger who learned the Berserk Fury's moves, not Bit. Van may have an Organoid, but even without Zeke he's an incredible pilot. And Zeke doesn't learn the opponent's moves, either. Bit doesn't derserve anything he gets. Bit didn't do anything and is not a good warrior; the Liger Zero did all the work.

The final reason that I hate Bit even more is because of his fans. His fans write all of those stories that bash Harry for no reason, because most of his fans like to pair Bit with Leena (even though they show no signs of even wanting to have a relationship with each other) and make Harry the bad guy. All of those 'how to kill Harry' lists (lists! not fics) on are enough to prove that (without even mentioning all the true BitxLeena fics that bash Harry), since the people who write those lists tend to be BitxLeena shippers. Harry is a good character who is just there to provide humor, and then all those Bit fans go and bash him. Well, I think that's about everything, since, you know, Bit's character isn't interesting at all.
