Anime Admirer's Zoids Plus
-I got
some of my pictures from this site. It's very good and has a lot of information, not to mention
excellent episode summaries.
Anime Admirer's Classic Zoids
-Free Zoids images!
Official Japanese Zoids Site
-This site is okay. The
best thing you can do on it is sit there clicking the refresh button over and over to get all the
cool pictures they have on the main page.
Zoids: Blue Era
-This is a good site. Lots
of info here.
Zoids Unofficial
-Very good site. Has some stuff about
Zoids Chaotic Century too.
Zoid Repair Shop
-Another good site.
Channel Zi
-One of the best Zoids sites out there. This site has everything.
Anime Admirer's Zoids Chaotic Century Site
-One of the Zoids Chaotic Century Sites that are actually good.
Michael's Favorites
The M & K Zoids Battle Commission
-This site has tons of Zoids
screenshots for you to look at, but not take.
Soaring Dragon
-This site is great!! It's got lots of stuff about Zoids, and you can even download a Japanese Zoids gameboy game to play on your computer!
Zoids 35
-This is a good site. It has a ton of Chaotic Century episode summaries.
Dark Zoids
-This is a good site dedicated to all the evil people in Zoids Chaotic Century.
Yahoo Shopping
-This site is where I get all my Zoid models. It's got a huge selection!
Zoid's Eve
-This is a new site that shows a lot of promise.
DragonWinlan's Gallery
-DragonWinlan's Gallery page with lots of Raven images, dragon pictures, and other images that may or may not relate to Zoids. Go check it out!
Green Eyed Angel
-Wow! A shrine to Karl Shubaltz! This has to be a dream come true!
Orisha's Jack Sisco Page
-A shrine to Jack Sisco. Great site, lots of info and images.
Dragon Forums
-A site where fans can talk about Zoids and more. It has lots of members, so come and join.
NEW!! SOS: Save Our Schubaltz
-A site dedicated to the fans of Thomas Schubaltz.
NEW!! Dragonhead Base
-A new site with a lot of potential.
Other Links
Something Awful
-This page is incredibly funny, but its humor may not be suitable for younger people.
-This is the best site I've found that has all the latest info on Pokemon.
Dragonball Unlimited
-Absolutely THE best Dragonball Z site I've ever seen.