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Episode 1. The Boy from Planet Zi

In a desert, a boy called Van, on a hover board, is chased by a Guysack. He spots some ruins and decides to hide there. He manages to climb up onto the top of the ruins, but the Guysack won't leave him alone. The pilot of the Zoid is a jerk who wants to test out his Zoid on Van. After hitting the ruins enough times, they collapse and Van is now left without a place to hide, but the Guysack was trapped under the rubble. Two Command Wolves watch what's going on. The pilots are in the same gang as the pilot of the Guysack. They think that it's stupid to chase a kid, but they don't want the kid to talk about seeing them there. Van, with his hover board now broken, spots an entrance into the ruins which was just uncovered and goes in.

The two Command Wolves shoot at the ruins, causing a lot of rubble to fall, and then go to dig out the Guysack. Van's okay though, and he sees another new passageway that was just opened and goes through it. He arrives in a dark room and turns on the lights. In the center of the room are two pods, one big one and the other small. Van goes up to the big one and looks at it. He hits a button that causes it to open, releasing a silver Zoid-like creature. Meanwhile, Van's sister, Maria, is looking for him and she talks to the priest. They talk about how her and Van's father died years ago, how he had a Zoid and Van wants to be a great Zoid pilot like he was, and how if Van did find a Zoid how he'd get it to do what he wanted. The priest thinks it depends on sincere Van would be.

The creature that Van released gets up and roars at him. Van wants to be its friend, and the creature hits him with its tail. Van doesn't give up though, and gives the creature a name, Zeke. Zeke was the name of his father's Zoid, and Van wants to be partners with the new Zeke. Zeke's starting to trust Van when the Guysack breaks into the room. The pilot wants to capture Zeke, but Van tries to hold him off by electrocuting the Zoid and yelling for Zeke to run. The Guysack knocks Van to the side and Zeke attacks it, but gets knocked back. The Guysack starts to hurt Zeke, and Van screams for it to stop. Zeke gets thrown against the wall and falls down next to Van. Zeke then gets up and puts Van on his back, and activates his boosters to fly out of the ruins while pushing the Guysack out too. Zeke takes Van to a ruined Shield Liger and shows him that he has to pilot it. Van doesn't know how he's going to pilot a ruined Zoid, and Zeke turns into energy, flies up, and fuses with the Liger.

The Shield Liger is healed when Zeke fuses with it. Van is amazed, and so are the pilots of the two Command Wolves. They shoot at Van, but he dodges and leaps into the air, then lands on the Wolves and destroys their weapons. Later, Van is happy that he won his first Zoid battle. Zeke takes him back into the ruins. Van opens the other pod hoping to get another cool Zoid like Zeke, and a girl comes out of it.


"It's like this Zoid was just born." -Van Freiheit
"What do you say I call you Zeke? That was the name of my dad's Zoid a long time ago before he died. Sure sound tough, doesn't it?" -Van Freiheit
"You want me to pilot this thing?!" -Van Freiheit
"We'll see about that!" -Van Freiheit
