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Episode 10. The Mountain of Dreams

Irvine, Van, and Fiona (Moonbay stayed in a nearby town) are looking for Dr. D (or is it Dr. G? Maybe Dr. C?) to see if he knows anything about Zoid Eve, since he was a great scientist. They hear an explosion and go find the house it came from. When they enter the lab, the entire place is freezing and an old man, Dr. D, is frozen in a block of ice. They take him into his actual house and put him on his bed and cover him with a blanket. They talk about Zoid Eve and Fiona gives them salty coffee. In the morning, Irvine wakes up and sees that Dr. D is gone. He wakes up Van and they run outside to find that Irvine's Command Wolf is missing. Then the Wolf arrives with Dr. D piloting it and laughing for some reason (he's just really weird). Irvine tells at Dr. D when he gets out and orders the old man not to touch his Zoid again. Dr. D grins and starts touching the Wolf and Irvine is about to attack him when he tells Irvine that the main gun is off by three degrees.

Van tries to talk to Dr. D, but he goes off and greets Fiona and Zeke. In the lab, Van tries to talk to him again and Dr D. asks if it was about Zoid Eve. Van wonders how he knew and Dr. D announces that he's hungry. Van asks again if he knows anything about Zoid Eve, and the old man says that he might remember something once he eats. Van and Fiona make him a meal (which includes salty coffee) and Van asks if he remembers anything about Zoid Eve. Dr. D tells him to fix the roof of the lab and Van yells at him. Dr. D says that yelling won't help him remember anything, so Van is forced to go fix the roof. Fiona has to sweep the floor. Irvine tests the gun on his Zoid and finds that Dr. D was right. He fixes the gun and Dr. D gets him to cut wood for him.

Inside, Fiona and Dr. D talk about snow. Then, Dr. D sees something and gets Irvine and Van to get in their Zoids. Dr. D gets into the Command Wolf with Irvine. Irvine asks what this is all about and Dr. D tells him that the "enemy" is coming. The "enemy" turns out to be a guy riding a bicycle. Dr. D orders Irvine to shoot him, but Irvine refuses because the guy is unarmed. Dr. D pounds on Irvine's back, which causes Irvine's finger to slip and hit the trigger. The guy is knocked into the air by the explosion and Dr. D asks how Irvine could do such a thing. When the guy wakes up, he sees Zeke looking down at him and panics and runs off. Dr. D tells Van and Irvine that it's time to go. In town, Moonbay overhears the guy (who turns out to be Dr. D's grandson) talking about how Dr. D has two protectors now, a Command Wolf and a Shield Liger.

Dr. D, driving a truck, leads Van and Irvine into a desert where a Republican supply hangar is. He stops and lets them go ahead. It turns out it was a sleeper trap, so Irvine and Van are forced to fight a bunch of sleeper Guysacks. Dr. D steals some parts from the hangar while Van and Irvine deal with the Guysacks. Van asks again about Zoid Eve, only to find that Dr. D has never heard of it. They did all of that stuff for the old man for nothing. Back at his lab, Dr. D uses the parts to finish his snow-making machine. His dream is to make it snow on this mountain again. They then hear a Zoid approaching and go out thinking it's Van and Irvine, but they find out it's a sleeper Guysack. The Guysack destroys the lab in one shot and is shot down by Moonbay, who got there just in time with Dr. D's grandson. Dr. D is devastated by the fact that his lab was destroyed.

Later, Dr. D's grandson explains how Dr. D had been obsessed with making snow for years. It snowed on the mountain once when Dr. D was a kid and he's been determined to make it snow there again ever since. The next day, Van finds Dr. D packing to go live with his grandson. Van tells him not to give up and says that he will help him make a snow-making machine. Irvine arrives with some parts that they can use to build it. Dr. D regains his hope and they spend the day building it. They launch the rocket, but it doesn't work. Later, Van, Fiona, Moonbay, and Irvine are traveling down the mountain when it starts to snow. Irvine and Van have a snowball fight and Moonbay, Zeke, and Fiona find the rocket, which didn't go off. Fiona says that it really is a gift from the sky. Dr. D is overjoyed that it's snowing again and goes skiing.


"Dr. C? Or was it G?" -Van Freiheit
"Well I like my coffee salty like this!" -Fiona
"I'm touching it! I'm touching it!" -Dr. D
"If you don't keep quiet, I might not be able to, you know, remember." -Dr.D
"Yes! Hurry and shoot him! Shoot!" -Dr. D
"My finger slipped!" -Irvine
"How cruel. Shooting an unarmed man like that." -Dr. D
"It's always been my dream to make it snow here on our mountain." -Dr. D
"It really is a gift from the sky." -Fiona
